DNA, RNA, proteins isolation …
Access your nucleic acids
and use them in Nanogenomic
Nucleic acids isolation
- From rare, small or difficult samples
- From microdissected cells, cell pellet or in lysis solution
- Frozen or FFPE fixed sample
- Complete process including quality analysis of your RNA/DNA
RNA amplification, from 100 pg input
- Obtain micrograms of RNA from less than 1 ng input
- Several technologies for : Degraded RNA amplification, amplification from a few cells, targeted genes pre-amplification
qPCR: Maximum flexibility
- Gene expression : Quantification, validation, metabolic pathways’studies
- MicroRNA
- Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)
Taqman Low-Density Array (TLDA)
- Low cost format and reproducibility for you gene expression analysis
- Pre-loaded arrays : Alzheimer, cancer, diabetes
- Design arrays with your own markers
Amplify DNA / RNA
from rare cells or precious samples
DNA amplification
- Whole genome amplification from a single-cell or few cells
- Compare to your control cells
- Up to 4µg of total amplified DNA from a single cell
- From live or fixed cells (paraformaldehyde)
Gene expression and targeted pre-amplifications
- Pre-amplify up to 100 targets of your choice at the same time
- For small quantities of cDNA, from 1 to 250 ng
RNA amplification
- Obtain micrograms of RNA from less than 1 ng input
- Technologies for degraded RNA (with or without poly-A tail), even from FFPE Tissues
- Amplification of bacterial RNA
- Wide range of markers for your downstream analysis
- From laser microdissected samples or small number of cells
- Optimized and unique technology allowing RNA amplification from FFPE tissues
New nucleic acids isolation technologies
from FFPE fixed tissues
Get rid of the deparaffinization step
- No deparaffinization step, no overnight lysis
- From your fixed sample to your qPCR results within the day
Yield and quality
- High yields, from small to long fragments of RNA
- High quality RNA from FFPE samples, slides or microdissected
- Up to 5 slides (10µm thick, 1 to 2 cm²)
flexibility with the AmpTec technology
- On-column or magnetic isolations
- Total RNA isolation
- Separate miRNA from mRNA
Amplify your RNA if needed
Unique amplification technology for your FFPE samples